A week ago Saturday, I picked up our new Nigerian doeling. She is so precious! And so tiny! I got her from a nice farm in Vacaville that tests their goats for CAE and CL. Sierra (doeling) has the potential to get a 5th generation milking star. Here's hoping! She's given me a bad case of kid-fever. My will-power is being severely tested right now. I just have to hold out until Daisy kids in May. We'll see if I make it that long.
After my last post, I got a small garden area set up. We still haven't bought bricks, so the raised bed consists of the few bricks I had lying around and some old fence posts. I'm using a modified sheet-mulching technique to make it garden-worthy. Still not sure at this point if it'll be ready for planting time, which should begin next month. I'll have to re-evaluate when the time comes. We're still looking for a great deal on bricks. When/if we find one, I'll replace the fence posts with bricks and raise the bed quite a bit too.
The neighbor's dog attacked two more of my hens, both Black Australorps. Neighbor caught the dog in the act, thank goodness. I was very worried about Betty (yes, my hens have names) for a day but then she perked back up. They have built a much sturdier and larger pen for their dogs, and so far there haven't been any more break-outs. I don't blame them for the attacks, after all I choose to free-range my hens. I cannot explain the gratitude I have towards them for taking it as seriously as they do and trying to ensure it doesn't happen again. They've even offered to replace the hens that we've lost. Great neighbors.
Soon, I will be changing the name of my blog. I'm waiting until I have my 'farm name' registered with AGS and ADGA. More changes to come.