We picked up Sweet Pea this weekend yay! She's a registered first freshener that kidded with triplets back in March. She comes from a long line of milkers - her dam is a 9th generation milker (9*D) and one of the terms of purchase with her breeder is that we milk test her next year. We went to pick her up on Sunday, a 5 hour drive one way, and have been milking her twice a day - it's an amazing feeling knowing that our animal is putting the milk in the fridge! She's producing about a quart of milk a day right now, more in the evenings. For those afraid to try goat's milk, I can tell you that it tastes like normal cow's milk but is creamier due to the cream not separating. It smells pretty delicious too - like vanilla soft-serve ice cream according to my sister. I need to do some research in order to figure out what the normal production for a Nigerian Dwarf FF. I am ecstatic to finally have a real dairy goat! My husband has not tried the milk yet but I knew he'd be a hard sell. My daughter calls it 'creamy milk'.
Success with Sweet Pea makes me want to try Daisy again, especially knowing that our goats are here to be dairy animals. An animal that doesn't pull it's weight will be sold. I'll try a few more times before I make a final decision. For now the plan will probably be to keep the doeling and sell Daisy if she's unwilling to settle down. She's quite the acrobat.