Thursday, December 15, 2011

2011 = One big drama sandwich

Wow, what a year! Luckily everything seems to be working out but it has been quite a ride. My sister and her two children moved out in October...which is good because things were becoming quite tense on the home-front. She seems to be becoming fairly self-reliant, though I am often left wondering about her decision-making skills.

We had our first chicks hatched this year. For the most part, we let the hens raise their chicks themselves, and have 5 survivors - of which at least 3 are roosters. The youngest still remains to be seen.

Daisy and her doeling Rosie have moved on to one of my husband's co-workers and seem to be doing well. Sweet Pea and Sierra are fat and sassy.

Speaking of Sierra...she has had a crazy couple of days. When we got home Tuesday evening, we noticed that our gate was open and Sierra was gone. We searched and searched that night and the next day. Called and left messages with local businesses, had our friends and neighbors looking for her, reports in with the animal control offices, etc. No sign. I was so sure that she'd been picked up and possibly was in someone's freezer. Then this afternoon, a friend texted me that she found out who had her and I would be able to pick her up after the lady was off of work. I was worried that it wouldn't be her but lo and behold it was! What a relief!! The lady's son was already attached (yes, Sierra is a special kind of goat) so I promised them two babies in May.

I received my discharge papers from the Air Force about a month ago now. Getting ready for the transition has been worrisome, especially due to some circumstances developing with my husband's current job. Although I desperately want to stay home, I've had to find a job. I was blessed that one basically fell in my lap, and I start next Monday. Buying a wardrobe has been an eye-opening experience - clothes nice enough to go to work in are expensive! Not that I didn't know that but laying down the cash is stressful, geez.

I've become infinitely better at sewing, though that's not saying much lol. I have saved one whole pair of jeans, and sewn two badges onto the kids' AWANA vests. I'm still a little afraid of the sewing machine so I've done this by hand. For those that don't know, thimbles are an invaluable accessory for hand-sewing!

Finally, I've signed up to take some college classes. Should be fun to take 2-3 classes and work full-time. I'm wondering how I'm possibly going to have the time to milk my girls after they kid. Time to start saving for a milking machine and stanchion.

Everyone is in good health and, though it's been bumpy, everything has been working out. I thank the Lord every day.