Saturday, May 12, 2012


Since my last post, we've had lots of changes around here.  Goat paddock is nearly finished, and the hubby is now building a shed out there for them.  We have a new goat as well, a LaMancha/Alpine cross.  She produces a lot of milk (3/4 to 1 gallon of milk a day) but her milk tastes bitter or grassy - it also seems thin, like 2% milk.  I've been trying several different things in order to try to fix this problem - tomorrow I'll be tasting the milk again to see if any of it's made any difference. 

I came home from work around a month ago and found the house empty...called the hubby to see where he and the kids were.  They were building something of a greenhouse for me!  No floor and instead of glass, it's covered with garden netting - to keep out the pesky chickens.  We've got a decent garden going, with bell peppers, beans, tomatoes, water melons, cucumbers and onions.  All thanks to my thoughtful husband!  We've also got asparagus, strawberries, and rhubarb going in pots until we decide on their final spot.  In the next few weeks, I'm going to start a container herb garden on our back porch.  So exciting!

I am fairly certain at this point that Sweet Pea is not prego, but Sierra may be.  She's huge.  If she's pregnant, her due date is June 6th.  Guess we'll find out soon enough. 

And, I finally took a sewing class a few weeks ago.  It was a 'get to know your machine' class, which was perfect.  It was so much fun.  We didn't start any projects, so a project class will be next on my list.  Until then, I'm practicing by sewing strips of fabric together.  Tonight I'd like to try a pillow case - we'll see how it goes!