Chicks arrived one week ago today! I've gotten completely addicted to the show Lost (watching via Netflix) and have been really slacking in a lot of areas recently. The picture above was taken at three days of age. When the chicks arrived it was apparent from the packing list that we didn't get any of the Cuckoo Marans I wanted so badly. We also didn't get the 'free rare chick' but they did include an extra Australorps chick which took the sting away a bit. The Speckled Sussex chicks were much smaller than the others - I don't know if they are a smaller breed or if they aren't as hardy a breed. I ended up losing two of them. All but one of the other chicks are doing great. The chick in question is one of the Easter Eggers. She is still really small though she is eating great and acting normal. We'll see if she ends up being strong enough to make it. The Buffs, Australorps, and most of the EEs have been active and voracious from the start. Next weekend we should be getting the hen house ready for occupancy and the following weekend building the run. I will post more pics later.
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