When our chicks arrived last week, one of the first things I did was check the packing list included. According to this list, they'd sent 5 Buffs, 6 Australorps, 5 Speckled Sussex, and 5 Easter Eggers - 21 chicks. Within a few days, I lost 2 SS, which should put me down to 19...however, when counting the chicks (while they're running around trying not to be counted), I always came up with 20. Today while cleaning their brooder, I decided to do a real count...20 birds. It would appear that they either gave me an extra EE, or they did in fact include the rare chick. In fact, there is one baby who doesn't really resemble any of the others. I wrote about this chick last weekend - she/he's so much smaller but still lively. I'm wondering now if it's some kind of bantam chick. I looked through the hatchery's catalog and couldn't find a banty chick that looked similiar. Guess we'll just have to wait and see how it develops. Here is the chicky in question.

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